Daniel K Johnson

Daniel K Johnson
Daniel Johnson
We have an eye for organization, design, and detail. Let us help you communicate your message successfully.
Project Categories
- Ads/promotions
- Customer/vendor communication
- Event recording (trade show, etc.)
- Training/educational
- Weddings
- Other
- Motion graphics
- Animation
- Editing
- Film/TV production
- Photography
- Post-production
- Script writing
- Sound production
- Videography
- Voice Talent
- Storyboarding
Completed Courses
Union Affiliation
We will contract an HD cinematographer per project., We will contract a gaffer per project., We will contract an audio technician per project., Media Library: - Digital Juice: Stack Tracks and Juice Drops - Video Co-pilot: Evolution design elements - Sonic Fire Pro: Audio Tracks - Stock 20: Audio Tracks, Adobe Production Premium & Final Cut Studio